London's Olympics

Have you seen the metal ceremonies of the Olympic games?  You may have noticed the gorgeous bouquets each metal winner is holding.   Jane Packer's  Victory Bouquet is an elegant, fragrant, and colorful compliment to the gold, silver or bronze.   I love the idea of color blocking, as I mentioned in my interview for the "Happiest Bride on the Block" contest.  Let's see this floral trend take off next season, OK Cincinnati brides? :)

The bouquet was designed by their creative director, Susan Lapworth, to reflect the vibrancy and energy of the London 2012 Games.
It consists of four different types of roses sectioned into quadrants to mirror the 2012 logo. The roses being used are Illios (yellow), Marie Claire (orange), Wimbledon (green) and Aqua (pink).
The quadrants are then separated by English lavender, rosemary, apple mint and wheat which also provide a lovely fragrance. 

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